Spring + Summer Book List

Growing, cooking, and eating good food is a huge part of our family’s life. Another passion of ours is reading – we read when we wake up, we read throughout the day, and we read each night before bed. Our children often find some books, pull up their chairs and ask if it’s ‘Tea and Story Time’ yet, one of our favourite combinations of our two shared passions of food and written word.

Helping our children understand the importance and honour of eating local, organic food from farmers we often know and love is something we as parents take seriously. Creating an environment rich with books about food, farmers, gardening and other food related topics helps us accomplish this goal. Open the PDF book list to check out some of our family favourites.

Not all the books are about healthy, local food, but they can serve to spark a discussion about these things and deepen the connection to the natural world.  Have you read any of them? If so, share your thoughts in the comments – and add your family favourites as well!




This post has been shared at Thank Goodness It’s Monday at Nourishing Joy.

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