tea, pie, teeth & spring!

Is it obvious I’m not in the mood for writing great titles today? A quick photo post… // healing tea for nausea – lavender, elderflower, passionflower blend // sparkle stories inspired apple turnovers, pie, and an attempt at a rustic sort of pie with the leftover dough // a little guy with two missing font… Continue reading tea, pie, teeth & spring!

Life and learning lately…

Lately we’ve been keeping busy with learning adventures and life in general – and generally the two are one and the same… A trip to the museum focused on their love for animals and interest in shelters. We did a little animal scavenger hunt through the museum and were able to find examples of a log cabin, tipi,… Continue reading Life and learning lately…

Celebrating Easter Mindfully

Check out these articles for info on celebrating this fresh, life-giving season in an eco-conscious way: Natural Easter Basket Stuffers             Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs              Healthy Easter Paska                  

battle of the temperaments

If anyone else is stuck in the same boat I’m about to describe and has some tips, or even some snacks, please share! So, the solid side of the boat, the strong side, the side we really prefer to be on is made up of a super strong bond of brotherly love. On that side of the boat,… Continue reading battle of the temperaments

Maple Tapping with Kids

Most kids love the sticky, sweet Canadian goodness that is maple syrup. My kiddos certainly do. I always feel a little bad limiting their use of such a down to earth, delicious and nourishing natural food – and for some reason they never quite understood what all the fuss was about when we would say that it is pricey and… Continue reading Maple Tapping with Kids