The Best of 2013

Thanks so much for joining me on this journey. Below are 13 of the most popular posts from 2013 – out of just under 100 posts! If you have a favourite post from the blog, even if it’s not featured here, share it in the comments. What topics do you want to see more of… Continue reading The Best of 2013

Winter Snow Sensory Bin

It is -43C today with the windchill in these parts. We do try to get outside in most weather, but I think we’ll be having a snow day today.  The little ones will likely spend some time playing in the snow – inside. This is something we have done several times throughout the winter season… Continue reading Winter Snow Sensory Bin

Christmas Moments

Both Mike and I agree that this Christmas was one of the most peaceful we’ve had in a long time. We weren’t overwhelmed with the details of the holiday, but rather focused in on Advent, homemade gifts, and togetherness. We spent one afternoon shopping, and that was it. It does help that our gift giving… Continue reading Christmas Moments

This Year’s Tree

Over the years, we have put a lot of thought into what kind of Christmas tree, if any, to get. You can read more about our decision making process and some of the options we’ve explored in a recent post, The Great Christmas Tree Dilemma. This year’s tree, however, fell into place quite serendipitously. We… Continue reading This Year’s Tree

This Moment

“A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.” {joining Soule Mama today} If you’re inspired to follow along, please leave a link to your moment in the comments!

Advent Week 3 Activity :: Bird-Watching with Kids

If you are following along with the Advent series, you can get to the original post here, and the Week 3 post here.   One of the simplest and most rewarding ways to learn about animals in the winter is bird-watching. It can be done indoors or out, and is a great activity to engage little… Continue reading Advent Week 3 Activity :: Bird-Watching with Kids

Simply Healthy Fudge

This is some seriously simple fudge! With some nourishing ingredients, and no added sugars, I’m thinking it is going to make an appearance several times in 2014! We made this our official December recipe for our 10 year old’s baking program, which means we *had* to make it three times. Ahem. We  decided to make… Continue reading Simply Healthy Fudge

This Moment

“A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.” {joining Soule Mama today} If you’re inspired to follow along, please leave a link to your moment in the comments!