october days

cozy reading clay animal play Reading practice is more grown up when you’re reading to a smaller one… A little corner of our home… Cosmic Kids Yoga is a fave. Baking pumpkin pies. Knitting stash. The kids call it “the best homeschool co-op ever”. Gorgeous new map book! Waldorf human and animals study. Tidying. Mid-morning… Continue reading october days

elderberry bubbly

Carrying on with our new found love for shrubs (seriously considering a soda stream for sparkling water), we decided to try making an elderberry shrub syrup. A couple (tiny) folks in our home are not huge fans of elderberry flavour, but if you like elderberry you’ll enjoy this drink. We ended up blending some elderberry with some… Continue reading elderberry bubbly

outdoor classroom

Fall has been so good to us, clasping the hand of summer and not letting go quite yet. The air is fall fresh, yet not biting. The leaves are underfoot and crunching. The birds and squirrels are about, preparing. And we’re out with them. Learning. Playing. Creating. Dreaming. What’s in our outdoor classroom wagon? //… Continue reading outdoor classroom

shrub it off

Harvest season is probably my favourite time of year – the one where we fall back into familiar rhythms, breathe in the crisp air as we bring in the last of nature’s garden offerings. Chard, kale, borage and basil to dehydrate for green powder and pestos. Squash for baking and soups. Grapes to freeze and flavour kombucha,… Continue reading shrub it off