The Week in Pictures

Some snapshots and notes from the week. Let us know what you did this week in the comments – share a link if you have a post about it.


There is really nothing like a warm casserole full of the kids’ great-grandma’s rice pudding. So warm and nourishing on a cool fall day. Especially with a mug of chai tea during tea + story time!

rice pudding gran's dishes


As we prepare for the big craft sale we do each year, Mike and the kids went out hunting in the trees by the riverbank for branches for one of the Tiny Peasant craft kits. Photos by Mike.

river walk 3 river walk 2


Continuing on with the season’s pumpkin love, we set up a station with pumpkin books, cards with the life-cycle of a pumpkin, orange painting, and an orange tones pom-pom sorting activity.

pom pom pupkin sorting pumpkin painting


The usual reading nook cuddles took place, as well as enjoyment of a new math game called Tenzi. Finger placement assuredly unintentional! Ahem.

reading nook 2 reading nook tenzi


There’s one little elf starting on Christmas gifts, and gifting some a little early as well. I guess I should get out the fabric gift bag stash so he can stop using kleenex…

little elf 2 little elf


I’m in the water with Milo and Breann during their lessons, so don’t have photos of them yet, but got one shot of Cohen’s lesson. We are so thankful to have daytime swimming lessons set up by the pool specifically for homeschoolers, and for a grandma who joins us each week!

swimming lesson


Sweet treats for tea + story time this week! The kids loved dipping the pretzels in the chocolate (made with dark cocoa camino baker’s chocolate, coconut oil, and honey).

chocolate pretzel love chocolate pretzel tea love


We couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful and refreshing end to our week than this nature walk through a local natural area. The kids had a blast climbing, running and harvesting rose hips with their friends. I was carrying the messenger bag as we reached the park shelter where a group of dog owners were gathered visiting. A couple folks motioned toward me and asked if we had found anything. I eagerly pointed to the bag and said that yes we had found a lot of rose hips! The woman looked at me a little funny and said she meant with the metal detector I was also carrying. I guess not everyone is as excited about wild edibles as we are!

Not sure what we’ll use our rose hips for yet. Maybe this rosehip ginger beer, or this rosehip spread if not just dried and used in teas or made into a syrup with elderberry. If you have any suggestions, please share them in the comments.

kids climbing nature walkcollecting rose hips rose hip goodness




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