Monika Thiessen
Volunteer Wormwood
Looks like a delicious salad of volunteer lamb’s quarter.
Yarrow. Helps improve essential oil potency in herbs.
Pea shoots.
Lemon balm bordering the back patio. The citrusy scent is supposed to deter mosquitoes. With a bat house nearby hopefully we’ll be able to enjoy many mosquito free backyard fires.
A mish-mash of tulips, garlic, lilies and strawberries. I’m keeping a really close eye on the lilies this year in hopes of staying a few steps ahead of the beetles. So far, so good.
Salvia starting to bud out. Bees LOVE this plant!
The ferns have shot up like crazy over the past 10 days or so.
Clover seed doing pretty well in our little white clover patch. The dandelions and quack grass are also doing very well.
Wild bergamot and tomatoes.
Oriental poppy buds.
Brewing up some comfrey tea.
Prairie Magic apple blossoms.
Cherry blossoms!
Kale sprouts! Better late than never.
Little maple weeds. Will have to remember to spread corn gluten in between the bricks next spring in the hopes that it stops the seeds from germinating. Imagine all that time not spent weeding!
Tomatoes planted and staked.
Ancho peppers finally in their summer home.
Nasturtium sprouts.
Squishing lily beetles and a thorough spray of neem oil has proved to be an effective method thus far.
Volunteer vetch
This years squash treliis. A two-year version of the three sisters garden.
Gorgeous colours of spring.
Sign of a healthy mycelial network.
Nanking cherries in full bloom last week, but hardly any blossoms left today.
Volunteer sorrel plant.
Monika Thiessen is a potter, permaculture designer, urban homesteader and all around prairie plant girl. She’s happiest with the sun on her back and her hands in the soil. To check out Monika’s pottery, visit Prairie Girl Pottery.