skip day snow

Because sometimes you just have to skip school and hang out with your siblings who learn at home. Especially on a gorgeous, uncharacteristically warm, January day. It’s so amazing what time outdoors can do to bring people together. The age span between 4 and 14 vanishes as they throw snowballs, scream together as they slide down the hills, and laugh when they bail at the bottom. Adults become fair game for plotted snowball attacks, and mamas might enjoy the sweet success of the wet snow splatting on their children’s parkas – just a little. Ahem.

The kids were also excited to show their big brother/cousin and friends the forest shelter they built as a part of their Forest School with dad.

kid pile up2015TP skip day sleddingsledding togethersnowball fightTP skip day hill TP skip day cuddle TP skip day snowball fight TP skip day snowballs TP skip day forest shelter

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