Valentine’s Day with Littles

Lately, I’ve had the Beatles song All You Need is Love in my head and pouring out of me in a shameless and mostly off-key nature. Even though I realize a lot of Valentine’s Day is a consumeristic grab at our purse-strings, I think as parents we can recast this holiday to pull at heart-strings. We’ve developed several fun crafts and recipes for Valentine’s Day – or week, or month as we do it around here, because who wants to limit celebrating LOVE to just one day, right?

There have been a lot of little love notes, letters, and crafts being made in secret. Not my proudest parenting moment, but the kids are working on a Valentine’s Day Silent Auction – after learning what a silent auction is at a family festival we attended last weekend. Tons of little tickets, a special area in the house set up for guests to get their *free* tickets, and prizes (valentines) being carefully crafted. So. Much. Excitement. This is serious business.

Here are some other ways we’ve been celebrating:

Valentine’s Heart Strings Tree, a guest post of mine at this lovely blog, Nourishing Joy

Tiny Peasant Heart Tree 13

Felted Ball Garland – a sweet and simple decoration

tiny peasant felted garland

Farm Fresh Printable Valentines – print them and paint or colour them – great for food & nature lovers

Tiny Peasant Valentine with Paints

Pink Valentine’s Tea – a lovely herbal tea video recipe

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Free Printable Valentine’s Food Labels – for tea, honey & jam



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