Lately we’ve been keeping busy with learning adventures and life in general – and generally the two are one and the same…
A trip to the museum focused on their love for animals and interest in shelters. We did a little animal scavenger hunt through the museum and were able to find examples of a log cabin, tipi, mud house, and wood framed house on our journey.
A little cafeteria action from our little one who brought out snacks and drinks and served them to hungry customers.
Homemade pineapple gelatin gummies didn’t last long. These were the best consistency we’ve made so far. The reason? Your guess is as good as mine… I have a bit of a problem with making recipe notes and very rarely follow a recipe exactly! Anyone else roll like that?
The kids made some apple pie filling and dough with some pals from homeschool co-op. It was to serve at the puppet show they wrote, designed costumes and sets for and acted out for friends and family.
Fun with a special homeschool co-op visitor. Since our kitty died last summer, we haven’t had a pet. We’re pretty happy to visit with the various pets of friends including puppies, bunnies and cats – and the various horses we meet while homestead hunting (horse close-up photo by Cohen)!
On the home-front the kids have been busy playing math games, knitting, crafting, reading, building, playing. We’ve been listening to a lot of audio stories lately – Magic Treehouse, Sparkle Stories, and with the coming of spring, we’ve jumped back into Herb Faries to learn about healing herbs in a magical and inviting way.