Five Years


And just like that, he’s five. A five year old who embodies joy. Boundless joy. And oh, the sense of humour. This is a little boy who loves to tell jokes and make people laugh. Interestingly, the jokes range from potty humour to some quite witty quips that take us aback amidst our laughter. This kiddo truly brings light where he goes, and pours out love through his smiles, generosity, and cuddles. We are so honoured to share in his journey!

This past year he graduated from his balance bike to a pedal bike, learned how to count to a hundred (with some reminders), swam happily at lessons without mom or dad in the pool, had a blast at homeschool co-op, kayaked on a lake all by himself, got up close to a frame of  honey bees, started seeds for the garden and cared for the plants, participated in his first bonspiel,  started finger-knitting, ate puzzles for lunch, went to the symphony, camped in a tent, started playing cards…

In our home, there is just ONE special day each year to wear your birthday crown. After our pancake cake breakfast,  Milo stitched on a 5th carefully selected button.

Milo 5 Crown Buttons

He requested a pancake cake for his birthday breakfast. We all approved.

Tiny Peasant pancake cake3Tiny Peasant pancake cake2

It was thoroughly enjoyed. Don’t be fooled into thinking, though, that he is so messy and sticky because this cake was just so good. No. This is how he always eats. It usually requires a change of clothes! It’s a tactile, multi-sensory experience.

Tiny Peasant pancake cake

His presents, wrapped up and ready to colour before being torn apart. Milo is not the type to carefully unwrap a gift, unlike Cohen and Breann who would save it to reuse for a craft. You can see Milo peeking over a table on my computer screen – we play a slideshow of photos of the birthday child’s life and talk about all the memories that come up. It’s a really cherished tradition.

Milo 5 Gifts

Shown here are an ice cream shop set, and a fun game called Hisss.

Milo 5 Ice Cream Shop Milo 5 snake game

Big bro made some custom gear for a few of Milo’s favourite toys. A visor and fire extinguisher for Blackout, and toolkit stocked with tools for Avalanche were two of the set of three that he had worked on in secret for days before the birthday. Later in the day he also received some hand crafted pony bead creatures from Bre.

Milo 5 bro-made accessories Milo 5 bro-made accessories2

This past year…

Milo 5 Mustache Milo 5 Souns kid pile up2015  TP fort whyte drawingtiny peasant milo music tp milo wagon park Milo's First Ride milo up a tree Milo Suit Forest Yarn Blast Clean Up 2 IMG_2931 IMG_3029 Mossy Tree Dam pumpkin painting tiny peasant stone art hammock chair story3 birthday boy 4 tiny peasant calendula muffins calendula Drilling the hole2 snowshoe trioTP trio of hikers TP zebrasIMG_1429 IMG_1468  IMG_1802 photo 5 TP marsh dipper boy


  1. Happy Birthday Milo! What a fantastic year – to be envied by many!
    I love this birthday crown idea of adding buttons each year.
    Two questions – please tell about this cake – recipe?
    And where did you get this drum set?

    1. Hi Patty-Jean! Thanks for the well-wishes : ) The cake is really just pancakes, with whipping cream between each layer, and some simple strawberry sauce (blended strawberries with a bit of honey), and chocolate sauce (cocoa powder, milk & honey, I think). The drum set is made by Plan Toys.

  2. I love the adding a button to the birthday crown! That is a fabulous idea. When my children were small we had the tradition of carrying the globe around the coffee table to symbolize how many times you’d been around the sun.
    PS I found your blog via the Children & Nature Network!

    1. Lee, I love the globe tradition! It reminds me of the Montessori birthday walk that we did with my son when he turned 5. So special.

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