Dressember :: Day 6

Even though it took all day to get a photo taken (thus the darker evening light and grainy texture), we were both wearing our dresses all day. It was a busy day of Christmas crafting and decorating – pipe cleaners, crocheting, pasting and play dough; stockings and sparkling white lights… things we are so fortunate to experience. I thought often in the last couple days of this article that was shared on Facebook about someone from my city who was trafficked into the sex trade right here.

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If you are just popping in to these Dressember posts for the first time, there are a series of posts from an intro and then days 1 through to today. Also, we’re offering a giveaway, which you can enter in the comments of the Day 5 post.

Would you like to donate to Dressember? Head over to my campaign page – any donation is appreciated!





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