This post is part of a seasonal community sharing series, Grow Together Tuesday. You’ll find posts from myself, and award winning gardener Monika Thiessen, of Prairie Girl Pottery. I love seeing what others are doing in their gardens, and since most of us aren’t neighbors, let’s peek over each other’s virtual fences, be inspired, and learn from one another! Post a link to your weekly garden notes, updates, photos, and more in the comments!
It’s planting time!
Monika Thiessen
As usual, I feel behind in my planting already and it’s only May 21st. Oh well, the weather has not been ideal for working outside so I won’t waste my time feeling guilty. Plus, gardening shouldn’t be stressful and we needed some rain, so I’m sure everything will grow into beautifully lush, green goodness in no time.

Having turned our entire city lot into an edible landscape, we don’t need to worry about raking the grass, so we just sit back (or do everything else that still needs doing) and let the perennials and fall seeds and bulbs sprout into lovely little green plants and giddily walk through the yard to see what’s changed today.

All the seedlings I started are doing well despite being started late and have dealt well with the move into the unheated sunroom. They should be nice and tough in two weeks when I’ll be planting them into their permanent summer spot. Until then, I’ll be busy trying to figure out exactly (Ha! nothing is ever exact in my garden) where I want everything to grow. I suppose that’s the nice thing about gardening, it’s so forgiving. And if I over seed or plant a little more here and there, something is bound to come up and no one will ever know that it was unplanned.

So, although I’m really wanting my yard to look like this right now

the bees are back

and I know it won’t be too much longer until we get to taste the sweetness of garden fresh strawberries

As there always seems to be so many new plants I want to incorporate into our yard, looking back at pictures of previous summers I can see that I’ve still got the space for more!!

Woohoo, bring on the seeds and plants…and sunshine and let’s get our hands dirty again. Happy growing folks!

Monika Thiessen is a potter, permaculture designer, urban homesteader and all around prairie plant girl. She’s happiest with the sun on her back and her hands in the soil. To check out Monika’s pottery, visit Prairie Girl Pottery.
Monika, I am in love with your front yarden! We’re working on expanding ours – luckily we also have a huge community garden plot where we grow tons of veggies.
As requested, here’s an article I wrote on When Can I Plant Things in the Garden – perfect for Manitoba veggie gardeners.
And here’s yesterday’s post on How to Plant Peas.
Here’s to a bountiful summer!
Awesome Getty, those are some great resources! Thanks for sharing.
Getty, your post on when to plant things is super helpful! Thanks for sharing these links. I hope we’ll see more in the weeks to come!