Sling Shots, Oh My

When my boys were just infants and even toddlers, I may have sworn that we’d never get a slingshot. Well, as those same boys have grown, I’ve grown alongside them and my ideas about these things have changed, even if ever so slightly.

As part of our homeschooling journey, we choose to let our kindergartener guide a lot of his own learning (and therefore our own). When asked where Cohen got the idea to own a slingshot, my husband replied, “Oh, I think the idea of primitive weapons just appeals to any boy.” Well, our boy for certain! Oh my.

We happened to have the materials on hand and decided to collaborate on a hand-crafted slingshot.

Part of this process was figuring out how to have a slingshot and use it safely. Cohen decided to make some felted balls for the slingshot, to keep things soft and fuzzy, and we came up with a set of guidelines together. We haven’t had any problems so far and he has so much pride in his hand-crafted toy and so much joy in his play.

slingshot 8 slingshot 7 slingshot 5 slingshot 6 Slingshot and Pouch







  1. I was thinking about buying a slingshot for my son…because I couldn’t picture how to attach the rubber bands and was concerned about what he’d actually throwing (?). I think get the idea from your pictures and felted balls — so clever!

  2. Thank you Kris, for sharing this, again, with us! ; ) We love the idea of doing it with the kids. Happy Holidays to you and your family, xoxox

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