Check out these articles for info on celebrating this fresh, life-giving season in an eco-conscious way: Natural Easter Basket Stuffers Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs Healthy Easter Paska
Category: Tiny Peasant
A Garden of Learning: Will Your Seeds Sprout?
Gardening with kids comes with many benefits – connecting with the land and their food, connecting with each other in a fun way, academic learning, and the end result – eating the food they have planted, cared for and harvested. If you’re jumping into this A Garden of Learning series now, head back to the… Continue reading A Garden of Learning: Will Your Seeds Sprout?
A Garden of Learning: Planning the Garden with Kids
If you’ve ever thought farming is a summer-only job, think again – our farmer friends are cozied up indoors during these months carrying out the important task of planning for the season ahead. You don’t have to let them have all of the fun; next time there’s a cold day keeping you indoors, gather your… Continue reading A Garden of Learning: Planning the Garden with Kids
battle of the temperaments
If anyone else is stuck in the same boat I’m about to describe and has some tips, or even some snacks, please share! So, the solid side of the boat, the strong side, the side we really prefer to be on is made up of a super strong bond of brotherly love. On that side of the boat,… Continue reading battle of the temperaments
Maple Tapping with Kids
Most kids love the sticky, sweet Canadian goodness that is maple syrup. My kiddos certainly do. I always feel a little bad limiting their use of such a down to earth, delicious and nourishing natural food – and for some reason they never quite understood what all the fuss was about when we would say that it is pricey and… Continue reading Maple Tapping with Kids
six times around the sun
With this little guy being our baby, we’re feeling those sentiments of childhood going just too fast… we’ll miss those cute chubby cheeks and that sweet sanguine nature. He is our dreamer, climber, imagination rich, generous and sweet soul. For this birthday the thing he wanted most was a nurse outfit with a babe to care for.… Continue reading six times around the sun
mini snow people
If you’ve read any of my other articles over at EcoParent you’ll know that I am a huge proponent of kids spending time outdoors. Whether that means time in the backyard, the park down the street, a farm, or wildnerness area, I’m a true believer in the benefits – to kids and to our planet – of connecting with nature.… Continue reading mini snow people
lake love & lately…
We love our annual tradition of going to the family fest out at the lake and participating in the curling bonspiel. This year our team won (Mike, our 8 and 15 year olds and grandpa)! A very excited 8 year old put many of the adults to shame with his several on the button shots. The… Continue reading lake love & lately…
Bringing Backyard Birds Into Focus
We often think that the birds have wisely journeyed to fairer weather during the cold of winter. You might be surprised to find, upon looking more closely, how many birds actually stick around. One of the simplest and most rewarding ways to learn about animals in winter is bird-watching. It can be done indoors or… Continue reading Bringing Backyard Birds Into Focus
We’ve been thinking a lot about home lately as we learn about types of shelters and create models of those dwellings. And as we search for our future farm and grapple with the idea of leaving our home – the only place our littles have known. The other night I listened in as the younger boys… Continue reading shelter