Spring + Summer Book List

Growing, cooking, and eating good food is a huge part of our family’s life. Another passion of ours is reading – we read when we wake up, we read throughout the day, and we read each night before bed. Our children often find some books, pull up their chairs and ask if it’s ‘Tea and… Continue reading Spring + Summer Book List

Simple Summer: Mini Farmer’s Market

Passing on the skills of growing and preparing food to our children is such a privilege and joy – not to mention an important step in the path to their future self-sufficiency. In these summer months the kids love being a part of caring for the garden, from preparing the garden and planting the seeds,… Continue reading Simple Summer: Mini Farmer’s Market

Fermented Chard Stalks

Today as I was harvesting swiss chard from the garden, the idea to pickle the stalks struck me. Thanks to the wisdom of my dear friend, Adrienne, I remembered that you can really ferment just about anything. I cut off the stalks and set aside the leaves to freeze for smoothies, omelettes and casseroles, and… Continue reading Fermented Chard Stalks

How to Make Garlic Scape Pesto

Hardneck garlic varieties are hardy and bestow a special treat – they produce flower stalks called scapes that are lovely in many recipes. We make pesto with scapes that are harvested from our garden – this is the time (early to mid July for our plants) to harvest scapes. Harvesting them rather than leaving them allows the… Continue reading How to Make Garlic Scape Pesto

This Moment

“A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.” {joining Soule Mama today} If you’re inspired to follow along, please leave a link to your moment in the comments!

This Moment

“A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.” {joining Soule Mama today} If you’re inspired to follow along, please leave a link to your moment in the comments!  

This Week in the Garden

Just a few photos of the urban garden this week as we were busy farm sitting and tending to the rural garden out at the farm. See last week’s garden to get an idea of what we have growing. We’re joining Soule Mama for this fun weekly feature! Please feel welcome to share what’s growing in your garden… Continue reading This Week in the Garden

How to Have a Successful Nature Walk

In recent years, the importance of children spending time in nature has emerged in books, articles, and documentaries. What seems obvious to children, who yearn to squish their feet in the mud, splash in puddles, climb trees and run freely, is now one of those things that has been lost in the generation gap, along… Continue reading How to Have a Successful Nature Walk

This Week in the Garden

The urban garden was planted late on top of a late season, so our plants are off to a slow start. Regardless of when they emerge and grow, it’s always exciting to walk through the garden to see, smell, touch, and taste the plants that will nourish us in the weeks and months to come!… Continue reading This Week in the Garden

This Moment

“A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.” {joining Soule Mama today} If you’re inspired to follow along, please leave a link to your moment in the comments!