Advent Week 1 Activity :: Felted Stones

A great sensory activity to do as part of Advent Week 1 :: The Light of Stones and the whole Tiny Advent series.   Materials smooth stones wool roving in desired colours sewing thread in same colours as roving (optional) large bowl or pot warm water natural dish soap nylons/pantyhose Instructions: 1. Wrap stone in roving. 2. Optional: Hold roving in… Continue reading Advent Week 1 Activity :: Felted Stones

Advent Week 1 Activity :: Growing Crystals

A fun activity to learn about crystals as part of Advent Week 1 :: The Light of Stones and the whole Tiny Advent series. I love how this activity mirrors the anticipation of Advent. How the children carefully prepare, and then wait, and watch for transformation and beauty. Materials wide mouth canning jar string pipe cleaners (we… Continue reading Advent Week 1 Activity :: Growing Crystals

Celebrating Halloween Mindfully :: Mini Pumpkin Candles

I want our children’s memories of Halloween to be positive, festive, and warm. We choose to minimally participate (early evening trick-or-treating on our block and to grandparent’s homes, in fun rather than scary costumes), while aiming to create positive and gentle memories for them to carry with them as they grow. Part of this memory… Continue reading Celebrating Halloween Mindfully :: Mini Pumpkin Candles

Simple Summer: Mini Farmer’s Market

Passing on the skills of growing and preparing food to our children is such a privilege and joy – not to mention an important step in the path to their future self-sufficiency. In these summer months the kids love being a part of caring for the garden, from preparing the garden and planting the seeds,… Continue reading Simple Summer: Mini Farmer’s Market

Mindfully Celebrating Easter: Dyeing Eggs

One of my fondest childhood memories of Easter is dyeing Easter eggs in my grandmother’s kitchen, surrounded by family, while snacking on grandma’s famous Paska (Polish Easter bread). I can recall the sweet, yeasty taste of the homemade bread, the smell of the local pickerel or ham we’d enjoy later at dinner, the whole boiled eggs… Continue reading Mindfully Celebrating Easter: Dyeing Eggs

snow + a mud pie kitchen

You don’t have to let the snow stop your children from enjoying nature exploration. Whether you have several feet of snow, slush, or just plain mud in your yard, you can provide tools for your children to create an enchanting natural play area they will adore. Over the past few years, some of our kitchen… Continue reading snow + a mud pie kitchen

Sling Shots, Oh My

When my boys were just infants and even toddlers, I may have sworn that we’d never get a slingshot. Well, as those same boys have grown, I’ve grown alongside them and my ideas about these things have changed, even if ever so slightly. As part of our homeschooling journey, we choose to let our kindergartener guide a… Continue reading Sling Shots, Oh My