Preserving the Harvest :: Simple Frozen Soup Packs

A few years ago, as I stared at mounds of produce from the garden and farmers’ market, mentally preparing myself for the work of making pot after pot of soup to freeze for the winter, my husband asked why I was going to actually cook all the soup then, rather than just freeze the ingredients.… Continue reading Preserving the Harvest :: Simple Frozen Soup Packs

This Moment

“A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.” {joining Soule Mama today} If you’re inspired to follow along, please leave a link to your moment in the comments!

Woodland Wonders

Over 30 years living here in Manitoba, and neither my husband nor I have been to these forest trails right in our city. We had a couple of hours and knew that we could all use a dose of time in nature, so we made our way to this place. This place that calmed us… Continue reading Woodland Wonders

Pumpkin Recipe Roundup

Now that the air is getting cool, it’s time to warm up with some pumpkin recipes. We’ve brought in a few pumpkins from the garden and have friends who have harvested literally dozens and are wondering what to do with them. I hope you can each find one new family favourite in this mix.  Please… Continue reading Pumpkin Recipe Roundup

This Moment

“A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.” {joining Soule Mama today} If you’re inspired to follow along, please leave a link to your moment in the comments!  

Horse Keeping 101

As part of our homeschool curriculum this fall, we are volunteering at a local stable. This morning marked our first visit and we are so thankful for the opportunity to learn the value of hard yet rewarding work! Hauling, feeding, mucking, leading, grooming… all in a day’s work. The kids were truly tuckered after completing… Continue reading Horse Keeping 101

This Moment

“A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.” {joining Soule Mama today} If you’re inspired to follow along, please leave a link to your moment in the comments!  

Homemade Applesauce

Recently we were blessed to be able to harvest from two apple trees at the home of a relative’s neighbour. The neighbour is ill and in the hospital, so the apples are just slowly falling to waste. Armed with baskets, and snacks, we went for a harvest day and picked what we could reach, being… Continue reading Homemade Applesauce